OPEN CRUISE 10/13/18

Calling all cruisers and cruise spectators! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!

By now you have all heard the news. We have lost our cruising lot at Marley Station for the 2019 season. We are currently in negotiations for a new location. As soon as we have a signed contract we will announce that location. Unfortunately the new location will need some improvements and traffic control items purchased before we can start the 2019 cruise season. Tonight’s cruise in at Marley Station is an OPEN CRUISE FUNDRAISER to raise funds for those lot improvements, items, and our relocation costs. Please help us!! Come out tell/bring your friends ALL YEARS ARE WELCOME THIS EVENING. $5 entry fee for all. Don’t have a car you want to bring on the lot? Or are you just a spectator that enjoys coming out and walking the lot on Saturday evenings to see the cars? Consider stopping by the tent area and making a donation!! Buy some 50/50 tickets this evening every little bit will help! Car enthusiasts are some of the best people in the world. We could not do what we do without the support you all have given us over the years. Whether you are a member, participant, or a spectator we appreciate all of you. So PLEASE help us keep it going by showing up this evening!!!


Melanie Hein
Historian @ LITFs